Your Eyes Are Important – Make A New Year’s Resolution!
Happy New Year! This year instead of making the same old new year’s resolution (you know the one: lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking, etc.), think about your eyes… Your eyes are one of the most important and most neglected part of most people’s body.
If you are a contact lens wearer, make a resolution that you will take them out every night, change them on the FDA recommended replacement schedule, use only recommended disinfection solutions, change your case every 3 months, and make sure you have your annual eye exam. Let’s make 2011 the year that we see no contact lens related corneal ulcers in our office!
If you are using over the counter readers as your only type of vision correction (or someone who is), make a resolution to get your eyes (or theirs) examined, after all $10 reading glasses do not keep you from getting GLAUCOMA, MACULAR DEGENERATION, CATARACTS, or RETINAL HOLES and TEARS (all of which can have no symptoms whatsoever).
Even if you are good about making your annual eye exams, and have an updated pair of glasses, you can still make a healthy sight resolution by pledging to get yourself a pair of prescription sunglasses to protect their eyes from the damaging UV rays of the sun.
We only get one set of eyes, so whatever 2011 brings, be sure to make them a priority this year.