City of Torrington and Cigna Vision Changeover
If you work for the city of Torrington you may have noticed that as of July 1st, your insurance has changed from Anthem Blue Cross to Cigna Health and Cigna Vision. If you are currently a patient of Opticare, any commercially owned optical (Lenscrafters, Pearl Vision, Target, Sears, Walmart, etc), or any of the Ophthalmology groups located in Torrington, you may have noticed that they are no longer in network with your plan and you may be forced to seek a new provider.
Cigna Vision requires that participating providers meet stringent business requirements and guidelines to maintain a position on their panel. We are happy to announce that we have met all of these requirements and our office is 1 of only 2 in network practices in Torrington, CT.
We understand that it is difficult to change doctors and we will work very hard to ensure that your merge into our practice is as easy and seamless as possible. At first the benefits of Cigna Vision may seem difficult to understand, even overwhelming at times, however our staff members have been specialty trained in authorizing and submitting claims to Cigna Vision to ensure that all of your questions can be answered and your experience at our office is as pleasant and trouble free as possible.
In anticipation of the Cigna Vision changeover, we have extended our evening and weekend hours to accommodate the schedules of our hard working teachers, board of education members, and city of Torrington municipal workers. To take advantage of these changes and schedule an eye exam, or to ask any questions you may have regarding the changeover, please call our office at 860-482-4439 and speak with one of our friendly front desk coordinators.
We look forward to seeing you!